
Hello! I'm Elvis

I am a software engineer that has been coding since 2004. I always had a passion for solving puzzles and coding scratched that itch. Ever since I created my first static webpage I have been learning as much as possible to improve at the craft.


These are some languages and technologies I have worked with

  • React

  • Redux

  • JavaScript

  • Ruby

  • Rails

  • CSS 3

  • HTML 5

  • PostgreSQL

  • Git



Live | Github

Disco-RD is a full stack, pixel perfect clone of the popular chatting application Discord. The project uses Ruby on Rails for the back-end framework, React / Redux for the front-end and PostgreSQL.

Janky Earth Defense

Live | Github

Janky Earth Defense is a game which tests your reflexes and hand/mouse accuracy. Written in JavaScript ES6 with the use of HTML 5 Canvas and Webpack.


Contact me by email at anytime:


© Elvis Yuan